TouchBasePro Is The Email Tool You’ve Been Waiting For!

In today’s digital age, effective marketing is vital for businesses to thrive, especially in a post-pandemic world.

One of the most powerful digital tools? Email marketing.

To get the most out of your email marketing, you need the right platform, which is where the TouchBasePro software comes in.

With a range of features designed to help marketers connect with their audience and achieve marketing success, we’ve put in 18 years of work to make sure you win at email (in the easiest way possible too).

Why do we think we’re the email platform you’re looking for? Let’s see if the 5 following reasons are convincing enough!

Our User-Friendly and Effective Email Tools

Our TouchBasePro email software excels in providing a robust email marketing solution, making it a valuable tool for businesses of any size.

With a user-friendly interface and a wide array of features, we enable and empower marketers and publishers to create engaging and personalised email campaigns.

With our world-class drag-and-drop email builder, anyone can easily design visually appealing templates and emails without any coding knowledge. Because, who wants to code email anyway, right?

Additionally, our platform offers powerful segmentation and automation options, which further enable email senders to target specific customer groups with tailored content, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.


Integrated SMS Marketing

In addition to our email marketing capabilities, all TouchBasePro accounts offer seamless integration with SMS & SmartSMS marketing. This helps to enhance the reach and effectiveness of marketing campaigns across various channels.

SMS messages also have exceptionally high open rates, making them an ideal channel for time-sensitive promotions, event reminders, and important updates.

With TouchBasePro, you have the power to create and send personalised SMS messages to your target audience, plus you can get them clicking in a data-free environment (you’ll have to speak to our team here to find out how. We can’t give away all our secrets now, can we?)


Marketing Automation Made Easy

Our TouchBasePro email software simplifies the process of marketing automation, helping you save time and resources while delivering targeted messages to your customers.

Without needing any advanced skills, you can use our intuitive automation workflow engine that enables you to set up trigger-based campaigns, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and birthday offers.

You can also save yourself the effort and further time by automating repetitive email tasks and nurturing customer relationships, helping you build stronger connections and increase customer loyalty, because that’s what your clients want, after all.


Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

Reports don’t have to be boring! We bring you some of the easiest tools ever to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, data-driven insights and customer actions to help you win at email.

With comprehensive analytics and reporting features, you’re given everything you need to get valuable metrics used to track and measure the success of your email and SMS campaigns.

You also have access to real-time data on email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights help identify what works and what needs improvement, enabling you to refine your strategies for optimal results, without growing old while waiting on email reports.


The Best Customer Support and Training

Being a local business, we understand the importance of excellent customer support.

With a team of email experts, we assist our users at every step, whether it’s helping with getting you moved over to us, getting your initial setup handled, guiding you through the platform’s features, or addressing any technical issues, our support team is committed to providing prompt and effective assistance.

Furthermore, we offer in-depth offers training resources, to help you maximise the potential of your TouchBasePro account and stay up to date with the latest marketing trends and strategies. And, by email professionals, we mean it! Go on, search for an email platform that does the work for you…We’ll wait.


So, have we been convincing enough? If so, we’d love to work with you! If not, we may have some work to do but we encourage you to sign up for some of the industry’s more informed email insights by clicking here, or get in touch with our team of experts to show you, rather than tell you, why TouchBasePro is the right email tool and team to work with.

You won’t regret it!

Blog written by Lee Naidoo